The recent Scottsboro City Council meeting began with a public hearing for the rezoning of property located near Chick-fil-A for the construction of a RaceTrac. Several residents appeared and spoke against the rezoning. The main concern voiced by residents was the traffic issues that are ongoing in the area. Most voiced that it was already almost impossible to turn left when leaving their road to turn onto Veterans Drive.
RaceTrac representatives stated that they have met with nearby residents and have done what they can to accommodate any concerns the residents have. They also stated that they are still open to discussion with the local residents.
The owner of the property stated that it is currently zoned for apartments and if the property is not rezoned, he will proceed with a developer to construct apartments on the property.
The item was placed on the February 10, 2025 city council meeting agenda for a vote.
George Brickley of Brickley Radon spoke about Radon control methods. Brickley proposed an addition to the building ordinance that would require all new constructions to include radon safety features. Brickley stated that the cost for homeowners to add this on initial construction is far less expensive than adding it onto a home that is already built. To add the features during construction, it would cost homeowners approximately $150.
Brickley stated this small addition could give homeowners more incentive to test their home’s radon level and will help save lives.
A bid for truck scales was discussed. During the budget meetings, $100,000 for truck scales was budgeted. However, a temporary scale is needed, at a cost of $4,000. This item was approved and will be paid for by excess sales tax.
Chief of Police Ron Latimer spoke to the city council about a replacement roof for the Scottsboro/Jackson County Animal Shelter. Latimer explained that after a leak, the roof was inspected and was found to have mold and significant rot. Because of insulation in the roof area, the remainder of the roof was not inspected, but expected to have trouble spots in other areas. Latimer requested a budget amendment of up to $15,000 to remove the old roof and replace it with a new one. A budget amendment for the City of Scottsboro’s half of the roof in the amount of $7,500 was approved. This item will be paid for by excess sales tax.
Fire Chief Jon Lee requested changes to job descriptions within the Scottsboro Fire Department. Lee asked to add the required role of ‘apparatus operator pumper’. Lee stated that all fire fighters fill in and drive at some point. For the position of deputy chief, Lee proposed adding plans examiner and Fire Officer Four, both of which require 40 hour classes in fire college, as well as dropping the required number of continuous municipal fire service from 15 years to 12 years. Changes were approved by the Council.