Thoughts from The Bible

How much should culture influence the church?

by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

We live in a world that is constantly changing, and those changes seem to leave nothing untouched. But a reasonable person should ask the question, “How much should the church be changing? How much influence should an ever-changing culture have on the church?”

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Thoughts from The Bible

God With Us
by Cody Anderson Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

The birth of Jesus Christ stands as one of the most profound and transformative events in all of history. The impact it has on the believing and nonbelieving is unquantifiable. The Messiah’s arrival was used to create a universal labeling for our years with AD 1 which is Latin for “In the Year of our Lord”. On the spiritual side of things, this event was a divine act of God where He stepped into mankind’s history to bring about hope, peace, salvation and the new covenant.

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Thoughts from The Bible

A Promise Kept
by Cody Anderson Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Christmas is most often seen as a time of joy and family gatherings. For Christians however, it represents something much deeper. It is a celebration of a promise kept. Long before the advent of the Messiah, prophets spoke of a coming Savior.

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Why
by Cody Anderson Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Why Jesus? I mean why did Jesus have to come to Earth? Why did God have to dwell with man and then die? We have set aside a season, Christmas, to celebrate when God cloaked Himself in mankind and came to dwell on Earth with man.

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Gospel is All of Christ
by Sarah Wootten Corinith Missionary Baptist Church

6I hope you’ve realized over the past few weeks that the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world are polar opposites. The world would expect God to save men of renown, yet God more often saves the lowly (1 Corinthians 1:26-28).

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