Simply Yaya

Easy like Sunday morning…
I’m sitting here this Sunday morning, and I’m ashamed to say my mind is more focused on my problems than my blessings. I know I’m not the only person that does this. The sun is shining, life is good, but here I sit – stressing over things I can’t control.
Granny O always used to say, “If we threw our own problems in a pile, we would get our own back out.” Oh, how this has proven to be true over the years. 

Seasons come and seasons go. I myself am going thru a season right now where to everyone around me, I look incredibly blessed – and I am – but my heart is troubled. 

Troubled for friends and family who are dealing with hard times and sickness. Troubled that I am a “fixer” by nature, and I can’t fix some of these things. Troubled even that the Lord didn’t give me the kind of heart where I don’t take on the burdens of those around me. When in reality, I don’t want a hardened heart. Even when I think it would make life easier. 

“It is a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply…” The poet David Jones said a mouthful right there. 

I know soon I’ll be looking back at the last few weeks thinking, “See, it all worked together for His glory.” I know His plan is perfect even when I’m not. When I get mad and say ugly words, when I get overwhelmed with everything I need to do and when I get mad and lose my cool, when I want to walk away and say, “This isn’t my problem.” 

But really, it is. My people’s problems are mine. Their hurts and heartaches are as much mine as my own hurts and heartaches. And today, I’ll give thanks to the Lord for giving me this worn out heart instead of one that doesn’t care. 

Thankful this Sunday morning for my people. The ones I love despite the tears and bad times. In my heart, I can only steer them toward the good times. Better days are coming. From my lips to Gods ears….

Here’s a recipe to use those plentiful garden cucumbers with:

Cucumber Salad
• 2 cucumbers, thinly sliced and peeled
• 1 teaspoon salt + more to taste 
•  1/2 cup sour cream
• 3 tablespoons everything bagel seasoning 
• 2 teaspoons white vinegar 
• 1/2 black pepper + more to taste
• 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion 
Toss cucumbers with salt and leave in colander for 30 minutes to drain. Rinse gently after 30 minutes and press out moisture and Pat with paper towels. Mix dressing ingredients together and pour over cucumbers and onions in bowl. Allow to sit for 30 minutes before serving. 

-Kim Rice-Holman

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