Thoughts from the Bible

The eternality of God
One of the most central qualities of God is His eternality. That is, God exists without beginning or end. The fact that God was, is, and is to come is so significant that the whole of Scripture begins with: “In the beginning, God…” (Genesis 1:1).

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Thoughts from the Bible

God is…
God is … what you would say next is obviously of great importance because it would certainly ascribe some characteristic or trait to God. Or you might simply use a word that communicates your belief or disbelief in the reality of God.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Farewell, Dear Readers
On July 3. 2013 I began this wonderful venture of writing “Thoughts From The Bible.” My thoughts have been Bible-Centered, and so my farewell article should be the same. Bear with me first with an expression of gratitude to the owners and editors of the Clarion for allowing me the privilege to share those thoughts with the whole of Jackson County. Thank you also reader friends. I began my desire to be a Gospel preacher at a very young age of 10 years old.

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Thoughts from the Bible

The hope of a Christian
When our loved ones come to the end of their earthen journey there is rightfully much sadness. This sadness is mostly for ourselves. We were the greater because our loved one was with us, and we are at a loss because he or she is now gone.

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Thoughts from The Bible

On things we need to pray for
We all recognize the need to pray to God, and to pray often. I hear some marvelous expressions of love for God and concern for our fellow man at our times of prayer in the worship hour and in special meetings.

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