Fishing tip of the week

Whacky Rig Delight
by Mike Gerry

As we approach the spawn there is one bait that has survived the test of time as the bass move into their lethargic time of the spawn, that being a Whacky rig worm.

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

Having a Bad Day?
by Teresia Smith

Bad days. We all have them. You may lock your keys in your car, step in a puddle, your hair just won’t cooperate, the kids are fighting on the way to school, you realize you forget something at home as you pull into work, you realize you have on two different shoes as you walk into an important meeting …. the list of possibilities is endless. For someone trying to overcome a traumatic experience, the simple bad day is magnified and we just want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers up and forget life for a while. But realistically, we all have to press on. But what can we do to find some peace and be able to cope with the days where problems seem to multiply and stuff seems not to make sense anymore? Here are a few ideas:

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Thoughts from The Bible

1 John 2:18-24

by Cody Anderson Corinth Missionary Church

Pray and ask for a fresh, unbiased mind as you read 1 John 2:18-24. Don’t bring any of your preconceived notions about words in the text. Let the words say what they say. Humble yourself to heed the words.

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Fishing tip of the week

The Cold of Winter
by Mike Gerry

When you get in your boat in the cold of winter and your bones reflect off the weather it’s not easy mentally or physically. You start to wonder where do I start? You look out over the lake and there is no visible grass, there is no obvious structure and your mind says where do I start and how can I put some fish in the boat?

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

Dating Violence
by Teresia Smith

While most dating relationships established during the teenage years don’t last forever, they can often be looked back on with fond memories. But, according to the American Psychological Association (APA) more than 10 percent of high school students experience physical, verbal or emotional abuse in a dating relationship. This abuse puts the teens at risk of inflicted trauma, shame or psychological distress that can last into adulthood.

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