Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Holiday Tips from a Survivor
by Teresia Smith

Several years ago, I shared this story. Many will be celebrating various holidays soon so I felt this was a good time to share again. The holidays can be a particularly stressful time for adult domestic violence or sexual assault survivors, especially those who now have children. Everything’s supposed to be happy and rosy, with plenty of family and togetherness — but what if your family has caused you pain? Read on as one survivor shares a portion of his story and his tips from for getting through the season.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

10 Warning Signs of Gaslighting
by Rebecca Hieronymi

Gaslighting is when a person uses various actions and behaviors to manipulate the victim into questioning everything they feel, believe, and think. Essentially eroding their sanity until they’re at the gas lighters mercy. The goal of the abuser: control. Here are 10 signs it’s not you, it might be gaslighting.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

How to Avoid Victim Blaming
by Christina Hays

No one should ever blame a victim for what they have experienced. No person starts a relationship or goes on a date thinking that the person with them will ever intentionally hurt them. If they thought this, they would never go out with them again. CSNA has been educating the public regarding victim blaming and ways to avoid it for years, but victims are still being held accountable for what is being done to them. Our community needs to support and believe survivors.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Societal Influences
by Teresia Smith

Have you ever wondered how it’s so easy to get involved in an abusive relationship and not realize it’s unhealthy and stay? We tend to ask questions such as, “Can’t they see the red flags” and “Why don’t they know this is not okay?” and, “Why don’t they just leave?”

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Regaining Your Life After Abuse
by Teresia Smith

Domestic violence can be more than just physical abuse. It includes emotional abuse, financial abuse and mental abuse. Thought often overlooked, emotional abuse is very devastating, and in some cases, can be more traumatic than physical abuse. Bruises and broken bones heal and leave visible scars, but for some, emotional abuse can linger, shaping choices in life and leaving invisible scars. These scars sometimes lead survivors to wonder if they can ever lead a happy life again.

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