Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

by Teresia Smith

Brene Brown once told a story about a village where all the women washed clothes together down by the river. Later, when they all got washing machines, there was a sudden outbreak of depression and no one could figure out why. It was discovered that the depression was linked to the washing machines. It wasn’t having the washing machines that caused the women to experience depression; however, it was the absence of time spent doing things together with others. It was the absence of community. Why is community so important?

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Seeking wisdom
By Teresia Smith

They say that wisdom comes with age, and passed down wisdom sayings are supposed to give you better judgment. We could all use a little more wisdom to help us make it through life, but are they all really wise? I think most parents or grandparents are remembered for saying something frequently enough that it is remembered by their children. What are some old sayings you have heard over the years that are meant to impart wisdom but when truly examined, you find they are not always true? Examples are such as “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” or “kids will be kids”. There are many more to choose from like “the grass is always greener on the other side”, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”. Though meant to impart some wisdom lesson, some of these sayings are just not helpful. Let’s look at a few.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Do you often hide parts of yourself from others in order to fit in? Do you second guess yourself or discount your feelings because you think they don’t matter?

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Setting boundaries
Boundaries are essential in every relationship. They communicate to other people how you want to be treated and make expectations clear to both parties. Without boundaries, people may take advantage of you because you haven’t communicated what behavior is okay and what isn’t.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Is this your wake-up call?
Are you living in an intimate partner relationship that is abusive in some way? Have you considered leaving but fear has kept you there?

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