The Ben Sanford Boys & Girls Club of North Alabama was recognized at the last Scottsboro City Council meeting held on Monday, August 15, 2022. The choir has been invited to sing the national anthem at the upcoming Northeast-Southeast Regional Conference in Washington, D.C. this fall.
You can learn more about the Ben Sanford Boys & Girls Club by visiting their Facebook page. They are also a 501(c)3 non-profit. Check out their page to see how you can contribute to this outstanding program for our youth.
In other business, a request was presented to Council to rezone 980 Stewart Road. The request comes to allow an RV park to be installed on a plot of land with an entrance off of Stewart Road about 70 feet wide. The rest of the property expands once entering and will butt against the Fox Run Development along its rear wall. Mr. Joseph Klich stated the park will end an estimated 25 feet from the Fox Run line, and that the entirety of the radius will have a tall privacy fence in addition to vegetation. He also stated this park would cater to more upscale clients who make six figures and can afford luxury rvs that run upwards of $350,000 – $400,000. Klich also stated There would also be a strict no-tolerance policy, and rvs over 10 years of age would not be allowed into the park.
Klich has already been before the Planning Commission and Zoning Commission, with both recommending a “no” to Council.
Two residents of Fox Run were present and will be speaking against the development if Council votes to proceed enough that a public hearing will be in order.
A representative from High Country Toyota was present to request a No. 772 amendment application toward the new dealership currently under construction.
“Amendment No. 772 is an economic development amendment for the benefit of most Alabama counties and cities. Included is the power to use public funds to purchase, improve, develop or lease real property in favor of private businesses or to convey such property to private businesses and to lend credit or issue bonds to support economic development projects on behalf of private businesses. A common example is the rebating of sales taxes generated from the project to the developer or the retailer.”
The new dealership would receive a tax rebate on its profits for a set amount of time, while its original dealership will not be included in this venture. Council moved this to the next work session.
Residents from North Scottsboro have been present at several of the last Council meetings to present the worsening problem of garbage, litter, abandoned property and junk vehicles in their part of town. Council members met to discuss Ordinances 356 and 415 related to these issues.
The residents stated they have lived in that neighborhood for many years, and it has been heartbreaking and frustrating watching it go down-hill.
Mayor Jim McCamy requested Council put together a team of two council members, himself, ordinance enforcer Officer Davis and the Scottsboro Police Department to come up with a way to best proceed in the matter concerning ordinances, fines, ticketing and enforcing those ordinances where, in some instances, it ends up in municipal court. Council members Ralph Dawe and Gary Stewart were appointed to this team, and after a month, they will meet back with their plan to proceed. This meeting will take place on Monday, September 19, 2022 at City Hall.
by Martha Smith