Sarah Meeder

Ms. Sarah Meeder, 73, born in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, January 6, 1948 passed away on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 in Scottsboro, her home for many, many years. Her wishes were to be cremated and for mo memorial service. She felt as if she had left her mark already.
Sarah was a registered nurse, over corporate compliance and taught CPR classes at Highlands Medical Center for over 40 years. She was awarded Caregiver of the Year many times, and the hospital created a nursing scholarship in her honor. Our community sadly lost one of the greatest caregivers who devoted her time and care to everyone she came in contact with and never asked for anything in return. Everyone loved her cooking at the hospital functions and fundraisers. She spent many years as a Girl Scout leader and was always making donations to anything and everything. Not only will she be missed in our community, but she leaves behind family and friends who will never forget her.

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