To end the year, I sat down with City of Scottsboro Mayor Jim McCamy to get an update on where we are and where we are going.
McCamy began by stating that the City of Scottsboro has had a very good year with a lot more coming in the future.
“The City Council has established the Cooperative District for Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby’s plan is to begin building in early 2025 and to open in November 2025. Hobby Lobby is being built behind Whataburger, next to Dunham’s Sporting Goods. The City of Scottsboro will be extending the street which runs beside Dunham’s to Sarah Betty Lane.
Bojangles and several other businesses will begin building soon. Bojangles will build next to High Country Toyota.
Road projects are moving along. Unfortunately, there have been some delays on Edmonds, Carter and Talley because of unforeseen weather issues and other work that had to be done prior to the projects being completed. These projects will be completed before any other projects.
We have applied for an ATRIP grant to realign Micah Way up to Byron Road.
A new urgent care clinic will soon be built next to Chik-fil-a.
Currently other businesses are looking to come to Scottsboro.
Housing projects within the city are progressing well. There are plans for a new apartment development coming in 2025.
There are other private businesses who are continuing to expand. It is expected that a private industry established within the City of Scottsboro will make an announcement early in 2025 regarding an expansion, bringing a significant number of jobs to Scottsboro.
We are really optimistic and excited about 2025.
We have had a lot of growth, but it’s measured growth.
We want to give those who live in Jackson County, whether they work here or in another county, the ability to shop locally.
I would like to wish everyone a very safe and merry Christmas and a happy new year. I look forward to a another successful year in 2025,” stated McCamy.
by Heather Dohring