During last week’s Scottsboro City Council work session, the Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center requested funding in the amount of $300,000 from the opioid settlement funds received by the City of Scottsboro. It was noted that of the $8.5 million distributed, $730,000 was given to the Alabama Boys and Girls Club.
Tim Haston and Misty Godfrey addressed the council on behalf of the Child Advocacy Center.
The Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center is a non-profit organization located in the heart of Scottsboro, Alabama. The Center provides a safe and supportive environment to put the children it serves at ease. The staff provides forensic interviews, therapy services and advocacy for child-victims and their families within Jackson County. These services are provided at no cost.
The Center advocates on behalf of child-victims within a multi-disciplinary team that includes law enforcement, child protective services, medical personnel, mental health providers and prosecutors. Within this team, the Center works to reduce further trauma and promote healing for the child and their family. The Center focuses on making a difference in the lives of the children it serves by taking a trauma-focused approach.
The Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center has served hundreds of children in Jackson County since opening its doors in 2019. During the 2023 fiscal year, 73 forensic interviews were completed. During just one month in 2024, 57 interviews were completed.
In 2021 the Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center saw a funding reduction in the amount of 40 percent. In 2023 the Center received an additional 42 percent reduction. These reductions cause concerns in regards to remaining operational. The Center pays $10,800 a year for rent alone.
Drug abuse in Jackson County directly contributes to 80 percent of child abuse cases in our area.
The Child Advocacy Center provides forensic interviews, individual therapy sessions, follow-ups and referral services, victim advocacy, court preparation, multi-disciplinary team case reviews and community education and prevention free of charge.
Donations are tax deductible and can be made by online at www.jacksoncac.com/donate or via mail by sending a check payable to Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center to Jackson County Children’s Advocacy Center, Attn: Fundraising, P.O. Box 902, Scottsboro, AL 35768.
The City Council will vote on the issue at their next meeting.