Budget amendment for Bynum tabled

The month of May has been a busy one for the Scottsboro City Council.

Council members heard a request for funding for a pocket park. Council member Nita Tolliver made a motion to allot $125,000 to the project. The funds would come from the city’s
ARPA funds. Prior to the vote, Council member Donna Fredrick questioned if the funds would be used for the bathrooms and the stage area at the park. Council President Richard Bailey
explained that nothing will be done with the funds until all funds for the project are raised.

A resolution to move fleet trucks to the police department was approved. The F-150s moved included one from the inspection office, one from solid waste and one from the street department. $120,000 of grant monies was moved from the police department back to the fleet program for the purchase of the vehicles.

A budget amendment for rip rap and fencing at Bynum Park and for improvements to the softball fields was presented by Parks & Rec Director Donnie Wood. Prior to voting on a budget amendment for the approval to solicit bids for rip rap and fencing at Bynum Park and a second budget amendment for upgrades to Bynum Park, Fredrick made a motion table both items in order for a committee to be created. Fredrick requested that committee so that they could look at what the city will be doing at Bynum Park in the future. The committee was approved and is comprised of Bailey, Tolliver, Scott Matthews and Wood.

A motion to allow the solicitation of bids for fitness equipment for the RecCom fitness center was approved. Equipment is estimated to cost approximately $85,000.

A motion to consider the approval of the Patrick’s Meat Market proposal was approved. Council member Mike Ashburn made the motion to approve the proposal and a second was brought by Fredrick. A roll call vote was taken. Council member Ralph Dawe began by voting to approve the proposal.

Tolliver stated, “Mr. President, as a city official I have to say no. I want to make this clear to everyone. This is not in any way a personal decision. I have to stand up for what is right. We are elected by our citizens, and I have to do and stand up for what’s right for our city.”

Ashburn and Fredrick voted yes, while Bailey voted no. The motion passed 3-2.

Cameron Clark with the Alabama Department of Revenue spoke to council members regarding collection of the sales and use tax. Clark proposed that the city begin using the Alabama Department of Revenue as the sales and use tax administrator. This would allow the Alabama Department of Revenue to conduct audits, ensure compliance by businesses is maintained, collect any delinquent taxes and represent the city in any legal proceedings in the event a business contests an audit. Clark stated that businesses would use the My Alabama Taxes website to file their local taxes. Once the month is over, management reports would be provided to the city. This service will also save the city approximately $45,000 a year in fees alone compared to their current provider. Council members voted to end their current contract and enter into a contract with the Alabama Department of Revenue beginning October 1.

Jim Olyniec spoke to the council regarding the addition of pickleball courts. Olyniec stated that the number of people playing pickleball has exceeded everyone’s expectations. He reported
that young people are playing the sport as well as older generations. Olyniec proposed that six additional pickleball courts, at an estimated cost of between $400,000 and $500,000 be built adjacent to the current courts. Approval for Olyniec to solicit official bids for the project was given.

Council members also voted on and approved July 5, 2024 as a one-time holiday with a one-time pay raise for all city employees.

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