Fishing tip of the week

Best Post Spawn Baits
by Mike Gerry
As we are working our way through the spawn, the post spawn bite is near. I have many favorite baits I use during this period, as post spawn fishing can be a really fun time of year.

There are a couple of things that add to the excitement of post spawn fishing – aggressiveness and the shad spawn. Both are keys to post spawn fishing, hence aggressive baits are key to fun for me.
First of all, the spinner bait bite is always a big part of post spawn fishing. Bass eat it up and the strikes are powerful and plentiful during the post spawn. The most important point of a spinner bait is the pure fact that it is an easy bait to cover water with, as you can put the pedal down on your trolling motor and catch fish. It is especially good in stained water and wind, and we seem to get a lot of these conditions during the first couple of weeks of the post spawn period. It’s also a bait an inexperienced fisherman can utilize, as all you really need to do is make long casts and let the bait do the rest.

Next is a jig. Nothing imitates a crawfish better than a jig. You can drag it on the bottom and utilize the big fish catching ability as you target bottom hugging bass in the post spawn.
It’s a great bait to follow up your spinner bait once you locate fish with your spinner bait. If you’re a line watcher or love using forward facing sonar, it’s a dream bait for this type of fishing.
As the aggressive nature of bass takes over in the post spawn topwater, baits like Pop-r’s or buzz baits become a natural bait to target aggressive post spawn fish. As bass move to the edges of the deeper water they stack up on top of the drops and become really active aggressively striking topwater baits. The good news about topwater baits is they are great transition baits. As the bass start their movement out, you can target their path out to the deeper water and have a blast catching them on top. Post spawn is a great time don’t miss it.

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