Scottsboro City Council recently discussed several items at a work session and approved several items at a subsequent meeting. Council members held a public hearing for an alcohol license to be issued to Jenish Patel, doing business as Scottsboro Quick Stop. The license was approved after no one appeared to oppose the issuance.
A change to the pickleball contract was approved. The change does not require any funding.
During the work session, council members discussed the appropriation of the Opiod Settlement funds. Mayor Jim McCamy recommended that the city use funds to match funds granted to three entities by the Jackson County Commission. These funds are earmarked and can only be used for certain projects.
Council members voted to appropriate funding in the amount of $30,000 to Mountain Lakes Behavioral Health, $20,000 to Jackson County Accountability Courts and $50,000 to youth advocacy programs. Following the appropriations, the City of Scottsboro will have $365,000 in Opiod Settlement funding remaining.
The current fireworks ordinance was discussed by Council members. McCamy explained that the ordinance was changed a couple of years ago. Since that time several complaints have been lodged.
The current ordinance allows for fireworks to be shot from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. Two drafts were presented to the council, one which eliminated fireworks and one which regulated the time and dates fireworks could be possessed.
Council member Ralph Dawe made a motion to approve Draft B of the ordinance. No second was given.
Council member Donna Fredrick made a motion to approve Draft C. Council member Nita Tolliver made a second. A roll call vote was taken and Draft C was passed unanimously. The new ordinance, which is currently being published, will allow fireworks to be possessed by those over the age of 16 in the City of Scottsboro from June 29 through July 5 and from December 27 through January 2, and used between the hours of 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. only.
A committee, consisting of Council member Mike Ashburn, Fredrick, Scottsboro Finance Director Rick Wheeler, McCamy and Scottsboro Attorney Stephen Kennamer was formed for delinquent sales taxes owed by local businesses. The committee is responsible for going over the list of delinquent accounts, reviewing policies and bringing back a policy for the council to vote on.