Council hears BBQ Festival

A work session and regular meeting were held by the Scottsboro City Council on Monday, July 10, 2023. Council heard the following and voted to approve as follows:
• A $10,000 grant from the Tourism Fund for the Scottsboro BBQ Festival. Because the event is growing by leaps and bounds each year, this will allow for more resources, advertising and marketing, waste control, staffing and event signage.

• The 772 Five Below request, pending public notice, for participation in the current 772 agreement with the shopping plaza where the new establishment will be installed. The agreement is $375,000 or 10 years, whichever comes first. The establishment should bring 40+ employees and substantial revenues to the City.

• Ordinance 650 in regards to short-term rentals. Some of the additions and revisions include safe and effective procedures, liability insurance amounts for property owners, complaint information, parking regulations, party/people/guest limitations, smoke and code provisions and others. Violation penalties are also listed. The full ordinance can be found on Scottsboro City’s website.

• A $73,290 annual mapping survey of the Scottsboro Municipal Airport for FY2024. These funds will be reimbursable with either a 5% or 10% match from the city from excess sales tax.

• A $57,126 Transportation Alternative Program sidewalk project from the Rec-Com to South Houston to Caldwell Park. The city is responsible for 20%, and these funds will come from excess sales tax.

• A culvert replacement for Caldwell Elementary School. The current culvert is sinking and collapsing. With the WS&G Board providing gravel for the project, the bidding has opened, and the city has closed Van Buren to Ashmore until the project is completed.

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