School will be starting soon, and our Scottsboro and Jackson County food backpack programs will be providing food for our most food insecure children. One in four children face food insecurity in Jackson County.
Seven years ago, Representative Tommy Hanes convened a group of community and school representatives to form a county wide coalition of food backpack programs called Food for Thought. The purpose was to raise funds to support all the programs. The funds raised have grown from $10,000 in the first year to $45,000 last year. Community partners include the Jackson County Legislative Delegation with the support of State Senator Steve Livingston and State Representative Mike Kirkland, Impact Learning Center, and Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce.
With the rising cost of food and number of children needing food, the need for funds has greatly increased. Mary K Carlton, Board President of the Nourish One Child a Non-Profit backpack organization for Scottsboro City Schools said they saw a significant increase in both the cost of food and number of Children served for the 2022-2023 school year. A typical bag of food that goes home with the child costs $7.50 to $8.00.
There are several ways you can help. The 3 Bruce’s Foodland stores located in Scottsboro, Stevenson, and Section are collecting donations at the register during the month of July. Also, the 3 First Southern State Banks located in Stevenson, Scottsboro and Higdon will be collecting donations in the lobby and drive-thru windows from July 15th through August 15th.
Last year over 1,000 children benefited from the funds raised. Every school in Jackson County and Scottsboro City is served by a backpack program.
Donations can be mailed to: Jackson County Legislative Delegation, 100 East Peachtree Street, Scottsboro, Ala. 35768.
Make Checks payable to: Nourish One Child and designate to Food for Thought. You can also designate to a particular school or backpack program.
Donations can also be made online: go to http://www.nourishonechild.com and designate your contribution to Food for Thought. Donations are tax deductible.
For additional information contact: Mary K Carlton at 256.566.9422 or the Jackson County Legislative Office at 256.218.3090.
By Martha Smith