Scottsboro City Council President Richard Pudge Bailey announced there will be a Chik-fil-A coming to Scottsboro at the last regular Scottsboro City Council meeting held on Monday, October 24, 2022.
Scottsboro City Mayor Jim McCamy recently had an update on the progress of the newly set up Ordinance Committee.
VFW post 6073 and American Legion post 30 are hosting the Scottsboro/Jackson County Veterans Day Program Friday, November 11th at Collins Elementary school auditorium at 102 Legion St. Scottsboro, AL 35768.
The newly remodeled Scottsboro Boys Museum will host a public event on Wednesday, November 9, at 1:00 pm to celebrate its official reopening.
The Mountain Lakes Chamber of Commerce recently hosted the Inaugural State of Education Address for Scottsboro City Schools, Jackson County Schools and Northeast Alabama Community College on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at the Goose Pond Civic Center in Scottsboro.