Known to the locals as Patrick from the Meat Market, 38 year old Patrick Woosley was born and raised in Scottsboro to Ms. Rita Woosley and the late Mr. Bobby Woosley.
Chief Tommie J. Reese, Sr., Law Enforcement Coordinator for the Office of the Alabama Attorney General (pictured at left with Dawe), made the trip from Montgomery to Scottsboro to award a certificate of recognition to Scottsboro’s former Police Chief, Ralph Dawe.
Children navigating the legal system and procedures need someone to speak on their behalf, hold their hand throughout the proceedings and provide comfort, reassurance, protection and advocacy during the entire process.
Goose Pond Colony Resort, has been awarded permits from The Alabama Department of Public Health, Alabama State Attorney General’s Office, the Alabama State Fire Marshal and The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency to host the 38th Annual Fourth of July Celebration that will take place on the banks of the Tennessee River in Scottsboro, Alabama. The tradition continues with an evening of family fun and North Alabama’s largest free firework display. The fireworks will be held on Saturday, July 4th, 2020.
Born and raised in Scottsboro, Jim McCamy’s roots run deep. He raised all three of his children in Scottsboro, where they graduated from the public-school system.