The Message Is…
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
In 1 John, John is busy about proclaiming a message, but it is certainly no insignificant message. It is THE message that leads to true and everlasting joy in our lives, and it is THE message that, if received, gives us true and everlasting fellowship with God. And that message is about the One who came to us, Jesus Christ, who John refers to in verse 1 as the “Word of Life.”
If you are a follower of Christ, you too need to be busy (especially during this time of year) about proclaiming the only message in which people can have eternal life and that life is with the Father and only comes to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Joy in Fellowship
Read 1 John 1:1-4.
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Have you ever experienced forgiveness after committing a grievous sin against someone? Maybe you were unloving towards a relative in their greatest moment of need. Or perhaps you lied about a friend in an effort to save yourself. After recognizing your sin, you knew you needed to seek that person’s forgiveness. However, you acted despicably. How could anyone, especially a close friend or family member, show you mercy? You were sure the relationship was over. And yet, against all odds and without reservation, you were forgiven. Your heart erupted with joy because of the forgiveness you had received and the restored relationship.
The Eternal Son
Read 1 John 1:1-4.
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
When was the last time you pondered the idea of eternity? Have you ever thought about something having no beginning and no end? If you’re like me, it probably takes you about two minutes before you are utterly confused. It is very difficult for us time-bound humans surrounded by death and endings to consider the eternal. And even if we are comfortable with something not having an end, we will surely never understand something not having a start. However, John begins his letter with reminding his readers about the eternal Son of God.
These Things
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Every book of the Bible is written to a particular group of people with a particular purpose in mind.
Over the next few weeks as the Lord allows, we will study the letter of 1 John. Let’s begin this journey by getting to know the author.