Thoughts from The Bible

These Things

by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Every book of the Bible is written to a particular group of people with a particular purpose in mind.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Over the next few weeks as the Lord allows, we will study the letter of 1 John. Let’s begin this journey by getting to know the author.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Confused By Doctrine

by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

We’ve been looking at the topic of the confused man – someone who believes they have a right relationship with God, and yet are dead in their sins.

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Man Confused by Knowledge

by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Last week, we began studying different ways that people can be confused about their salvation.

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Man Confused by Deeds
by Audrey Christensen Corinth Missionary Church

Since the fall of man, every person fits into one of two categories. The first category is for those who are dead in their sin. Everyone is born into this condition and can be described as a child of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3). He is not a Christian. The second category is for those who have been born again. It’s people who God has graciously saved. The penalty for their sins has been paid by Jesus, and they trust in God for salvation. He is a Christian.

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