Woman and a Fork – (2 Cor. 4:13-18)
by Terry Broome
[I recently read a story which is deserving of being passed along to our readers. I wish I could remember who might have first recorded the account, but it still needs to be shared with others with no claim from this writer of originality on my part.]
Follow Thou Me
by Terry Broome
Children are so precious, and so open about their feelings.
This Do In Remembrance Of Me
by Terry Broome
One author has written, “The name of Jesus is not so much written as it is plowed into the history of the world.”
Respect for God’s holiness
by Terry Broome
A talk show I heard about a number of years ago was dealing with the issue of school violence.
Giving thanks for the gospel
by Terry Broome
We are so fortunate to live in a time when bibles are available in nearly every bookstore, variety store like Walmart and in most libraries.