Thoughts from The Bible: -11/04/20

Our Citizenship Is In Heaven (Phil. 3:20 ASV)
by Terry Broome

The spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God and of His Christ was never fully comprehended by the Jews.

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Thoughts from The Bible: – 10/28/20

Psalms 51 – David’s Penitential Psalm
by Terry Broome

David, King of Israel, “a man of God’s own heart” (I Sam. 13:14) – what a fitting description of this man whom Jehovah had personally chosen not only to be King of Israel, but the very seed line of whom the “righteous Branch” (Jer. 23:5-6), the Messiah Himself, would come.

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Thoughts from The Bible: – 10/21/20

Strengthening My Love For God
by Terry Broome

There is a difference between a command to love God and the cultivation of deep and abiding love for Him.

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Thoughts from The Bible: – 10/14/20

Add little strength daily
by Terry Broome

The giant cables that support the Golden Gate Bridge were woven in position one strand at a time by an ingenious little machine.

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Thoughts from The Bible: – 10/07/20

Learning To Obey
by Terry Broome

The story is told of a certain farmer who lived beside the railroad tracks. One day he heard a fast train approaching.

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