Thoughts from The Bible

Victorious Christian Living
by Terry Broome

Preparation for heaven is merely begun, not completed with baptism. No one is baptized into heaven, but into Christ, into a new life, a new relationship. Living the new life in Christ indeed begins with the new birth, putting on Christ in baptism (Galatians 3:26-27) but it does not end with this conversion experience.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Blessings & Responsibilities Of Being A Christian
by Terry Broome

Most people have some events in life that take on special significance to them. These might vary from person to person. Some of the things that come to mind are: birth, graduation, landing a good job, marriage, children, and don’t forget, having grand children! But the most important event for anyone is that of becoming a Christian! Being a Christian not only affects us in this life, it affects each of us for all ETERNITY.

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Thoughts from The Bible

God Can Put the Letters Together
by Terry Broome

A little shepherd boy was watching his sheep one Sunday morning. As he heard the bells ringing for the people to come to the church, he watched them and began to think that he too would like to communicate with God. “But what can I say?” he thought. He had never learned a prayer. On bended knee, he began to recite the alphabet — “A…. B…… C…… D,” and so on until he reached Z, and then repeated his “prayer” several times.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Blessed Is the Nation Whose God Is the Lord – (Psalms 33:12)
by Terry Broome

One of our most moving patriotic hymns cites the beauty of America – A beauty that all who have traveled across the continent surely recognize. Katherine Lee Bates stood atop Pike’s Peak and scanned the sweep of the land, then wrote of the “purple mountain majesties,” and the “amber waves of grain.” She concluded that God Shed His Grace on this Land — A vast unexplored wilderness that, in an astonishingly short period, grew into a great nation.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Blessings of a Christian
by Terry Broome

Imagine that a baby was born in the Mammoth Cave. This child grew up knowing only the features of the cave life. His parents promised that when the child turned 18 years old he would be carried to the outside world.

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