Digging Out of Division
If you read the article last week, you know that I left you in a terrible state. Unfortunately, it is the very same state the Lord found you in when He called you to Himself. A state in which you lived by “I” and for “I.” The basis for all of your life was very self-centered – in all your thoughts, your opinions and your judgments. But when you came to faith in Christ, you began to understand that your old way is certainly not the Lord’s way. And so, you began a life-long journey of repentance as you turned from your way of thinking and began walking in the wisdom of God’s Word.
The Root of Division in the Church
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, mankind has been plagued with sinful hearts, and those sinful hearts have invented innumerable ways to express its rebellion. But for all of sin’s variety, it has only one focus, “I.”
The Guarantee of Our Future Hope
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
What do Christians hope for in regards to eternity?
Always Thankful to God for You
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Division in the church. Pervasive immorality within the congregation.
Grace and Peace
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
When was the last time you stopped and looked at the moon? For me, it was last night. My almost two year old niece is fascinated by the moon. Every night we go to the laundry room window and gaze up at the sky. She tells me that the moon is yellow, and I’ll sing a song while we watch. Then, we say, “Night, night moon” and go back to playing or reading.