Thoughts from The Bible

Our Search For Spiritual Perfection
by Terry Broome

We contend that man has a yearning — a spiritual hunger that needs satisfying. David, in the long ago, said: “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” (Psalms 42:1). A spiritual side of man longs for spiritual excellence, for the perfecting of the soul, for a union with God. There is a thirst that cannot be quenched easily, and will not be quenched by the artificial sources of enlightenment in the world.

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Value Of Being A Christian
by Terry Broome

Since the founding of our nation, people from all over the world have looked longingly to America, the land of freedom and opportunity. They realize the value of being an American. While there are some who now dispute this, by and large, we are still overwhelmed with the numbers of immigrants who come to these shores annually. These are individuals who for the most part want an opportunity: who want to spend their lives in some valuable endeavor.

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Thoughts from The Bible

What kind of Christian are you?
by Terry Broome

The “non-denominational” aspect of the church raises a lot of questions in the minds of many religious people. More and more are using this phrase; however, many think it strange to hear someone from the churches of Christ declare that we are not a denomination.

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Thoughts from The Bible Thoughts from The Bible

You Are Making A Difference
by Terry Broome

Do you ever get the feeling that you’re just not needed? Sometimes we judge ourselves so harshly that we find no “redeeming” qualities about our lives. One thing I’ve learned in life is that things may be in the “working” directly resulting from someone’s influence/ action/ choice of direction. I don’t know of anyone who has absolutely no influence on at least someone around them. Even if you happen to be the one person who has absolutely no tie with any family member, no involvement in any work that you consider essential to mankind, even you have the ability to directly affect others by choices you make.

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Thoughts from The Bible

He Paid A Debt He Did Not Owe
by Terry Broome

Stories float around through the years, and they’re often repeated as parables of modern day life with spiritual application. I don’t know who first told the following story, but I had the good fortune of hearing it many years ago.

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