Thoughts from The Bible

Never Man Spake Like This Man
by Terry Broome

Throughout history there have been many famed orators who stood out for their special abilities to stir their audiences – men like Churchill, and even Adolph Hitler. Through oratory Sir Winston Churchill gave much needed encouragement to the masses of his despondent countrymen. Adolf Hitler, with his hypnotic oratory, built the National Socialist party to the largest in Germany by 1932. There is one, however, whose voice is timeless. The words of a lone figure from the First Century place Him far ahead of them all for His universal relevance.

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Thoughts from The Bible

One of life’s most important questions
By Terry Broome

While Paul and Silas sang praises to God from within the Roman jail at midnight, a jailer slept while on guard duty, unaware, no doubt, of the importance of the hour. Little did he realize that he would soon encounter the mighty power of God. This man already understood authority, power, responsibility. He was answerable with his very life for the prisoners in this dungeon to those who had authority over him. Soon he was to witness a power that superseded that of Roman emperors, Roman idols, and Roman chains. In response to this Power he would eagerly do whatever it took for salvation.

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Thoughts from The Bible

How To Be Happily Married
by Terry Broome

Someone has said, “We can either ‘curse the darkness’ or ‘shed some light.’” Marriage in America is in trouble! Not only is divorce skyrocketing, but the home as a God-designed institution is under attack. From the halls of secular schools – to the halls of congress – to the howls of the feminist movement, the obituary of traditional marriage is being prepared and propagated. If the humanists, abortionists, feminists, and gay rights advocates have their way about it, the Bible definition of what makes a home will be lost forever to mankind.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Let go and let God
by Terry Broome

“Be Still And Know That I Am God” (Psalms 46:10).

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Thoughts from The Bible

Do You Believe in Magic?
by Terry Broome

The Walt Disney Corporation has built an empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars on fantasy. With Fantasy Land with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and all the other make believes of “Never-Never Land,” it’s pretty obvious that people will pay a lot of money to dream for a while, to feel the magic of what isn’t real, but we wish it could be, somehow. They’ve even named the amusement park “The Magic Kingdom.”

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