Thoughts from The Bible

The Home As God Would Have It
by Terry Broome

There is a good deal of evidence that the family unit as we once knew it is breaking up, and many of us have had to redefine what we mean by the word “family.”

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Thoughts from The Bible

Blessed Are The Dead…
by Terry Broome

The book of Revelation is a wonderful book – yet a frightening book to most people because of all the symbols and the great difficulty we have understanding it all. To simplify the book, however, one could say accurately that it was written to show John things that must shortly come to pass, and was written for the purpose of helping real people in a real world look beyond distress and persecution to the victory that is assured in Jesus Christ.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Why I Love The Bible
by Terry Broome

David wrote in the long ago, Psalms 119:9-11 (KJV) “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”

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Thoughts from The Bible

Preach What Word?
by Terry Broome

I’ve often been asked why I didn’t write a book – an endeavor I’ve never felt compelled to do. I like books, and benefit from books. I learned many years ago that books can be informative. I’ve benefitted from reading books by authors I happened to agree with and by authors who held different views than I hold. At least they cause me to go back to the higher source (Scripture) and rethink my position. It should be noted that some books I’ve read can be very dangerous if someone reads only that book and doesn’t go back to the Scriptures “handling aright the word of God” (2 Tim. 2:15 ASV).

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Thoughts from The Bible

Understanding Salvation
by Terry Broome

Salvation is the most needed subject we could ever address. It’s true there are many things we need salvation from. Right now Americans are praying for salvation from terrorism, possibility of economic collapse and many other such categories that are very relevant. We do, in fact, need deliverance from these. The salvation that too few focus on and which is needed far more than all the above combined is the salvation of one’s soul for eternity.

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