Thoughts from The Bible

Spiritual Matters
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Church

We are physical beings. That is certainly an obvious statement, but ponder it with me for a moment. Our five senses help us comprehend the world around us. We observe the difference between sandpaper and silk by touching it. We see with our eyes all the beauty and variety in the flowers and trees around us. We understand the difference between the sound of a train and the song of a bird by hearing. And everyday as my wife makes her way to the kitchen, our home fills with the most wonderful of smells, which is soon followed by a smile spreading across my face as I taste her wonderful culinary creations. I am so thankful my wife’s favorite pastime is cooking!

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Thoughts from The Bible

A Pulpit in Need of Repair, Part 3
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Over the last two weeks, we have considered how the Apostle Paul sought to repair a wayward pulpit at Corinth. The content of preaching should always be centered around Jesus Christ and Him crucified. The method of preaching should be defined by one word – proclamation. A simple and clear method that does not seek to entertain, but rather instruct and exhort. This week, let’s consider how Paul instructs the heart of the preacher.

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Thoughts from The Bible

A Pulpit in Need of Repair, Part 2

by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Last week I wrote that Jesus Christ and Him crucified should be the content of every sermon. If you are a Christian, certainly you agree “…for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, NASB).

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Thoughts from The Bible

A Pulpit in Need of Repair

by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

If you read last week, I made the case that the first century culture surrounding the church at Corinth was mesmerized by the way men spoke. Philosophy had taken off, and the rhetorical skills of men were advancing. Unfortunately, it seems as though some men carried this new style into the pulpit. Paul uses a couple of different phrases to describe what was going on… “cleverness of speech” (1:17, NASB) and “superiority of speech” (2:1, NASB). And so Paul seeks to restore the pulpit at Corinth to a faithful way of handling the Word of God.

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Thoughts from The Bible

How much should culture influence the church?

by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

We live in a world that is constantly changing, and those changes seem to leave nothing untouched. But a reasonable person should ask the question, “How much should the church be changing? How much influence should an ever-changing culture have on the church?”

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