Thoughts from The Bible

His Commands Are Not Burdensome
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

We had a rule in my childhood home – wash your hands before dinner. It’s a simple rule, one that most of you probably were told before suppertime too. And yet, I despised it. I’m not kidding. I would lie and say I washed my hands when I didn’t. I would hide pretending I went to the bathroom sink. This rule took up precious time I could’ve used playing. And honestly, I just didn’t want to be told what to do. (And yes, I was always the sickest child in my family.)

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Thoughts from The Bible

Jesus is the Promised Christ
by Sarah Wootten Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God,” (1 John 5:1, ESV). This is the fifth time in the letter of 1 John that Jesus has been referred to as the Christ. We have seen that the Christ is our righteous advocate (2:1), that believers have fellowship with Him (1:3), that antichrists deny Him as the Christ (2:22), and that we are commanded to trust in Him (3:23). But what does it actually mean to believe that Jesus is the Christ?

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Thoughts from The Bible

As He Is, So Also Are We In This World
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

As we near the end of 1 John with only one chapter left to go, we come across one of my favorite statements in this letter, “as He is, so also are we in this world,” (1 John 4:17, NASB). There are several issues in this letter that John repeats often in typical John fashion, such as the subject of putting away sin and walking in His righteousness. He also discusses the subject of walking in His love, as well as confessing His Son. All of these are descriptive of the character of the God who created us and sent His Son in love to redeem us. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are born again and begin to grow in the nature and character of God as we show forth that godly character to a lost and sinful world.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Back to Love
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Since we have started the letter of 1 John, we have discussed the subject of love on a number of occasions. It is not far off to say that “love is everything.” It would be more proper to say “Christ is everything,” but the love of God and the Son of God are two inseparable thoughts. I preached at my mother’s funeral this past Friday. She was a precious lady who understood biblical love.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Knowing the Truth
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Truth is difficult to come by these days. For instance, no matter what side of the political spectrum you find yourself in, if you were willing to be honest, you would have to admit that truth is not the goal of either party anymore. Instead, the parties desire influence. It’s worth it to both sides to hide the truth, or color it a little, if it will tear down the opponent or build up your side. Others would go so far as to say truth doesn’t matter, or that truth is relative, but that kind of thinking is obviously void of any real depth or intelligence.

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