Thoughts from The Bible

It’s Not Too Late to Change
by Terry Broome

You might have overheard someone make a similar statement as the man in a bus terminal who was heard to say to his friend, “Been doing it for thirty years. Too late to quit now.” I have no idea what the practice was he spoke of, but in some way it appeared to be a vice that he didn’t feel capable of breaking at this later point in his life. What a defeated attitude this represents. How tragic for anyone to succumb to allowing something to gain control of his life to the point that he is helpless to deal with it.

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Fishing tip of the week

Improving your skills
by Mike Gerry

The norm for most fisherman is to rely on a few presentations, and a few baits, that they are comfortable with!

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

What if Someone Confides in Me?
by Teresia Smith

Each year we set aside the month of April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month, as a time to share information with as many as possible. We give out statistics and share stories from survivors. We offer events to raise awareness that sexual assault is happening in every community. We raise money to help provide services and we hand out brochures offering resources. All these things are great, but sexual assault happens all year long and we need to continue to have conversations to make sure everyone is comfortable knowing what to say or do if they suspect abuse or someone discloses sexual assault. I want to share simple, basic information that’s easy to remember.
I am often asked how to identify a sexual assault victim. It’s not always easy and signs vary by age group. There may or may not be physical signs of abuse so we need to consider behaviors also.

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Thoughts from The Bible

I Can Sleep When The Wind Blows
by Terry Broome

The story is told of a young man who answered an advertisement in the local newspaper for help wanted at a nearby farm. The farmer asked the young man what his credentials were, to which came the slow reply, “Well, not much of any, but I CAN SLEEP WHEN THE WIND BLOWS.”

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Fishing tip of the week

Not all grass is created equal
by Mike Gerry

As we move further into fall fishing there are keys as to grass that will hold fish and grass that will not.

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