Our God Is An Awesome God
by Terry Broome
Our young people have a devotional song that declares these wonderful words of praise to God. Indeed He is an awesome God. There are qualities about Him that compel our most reverential respect for His power and glory.
Get the most from your best spots
by Mike Gerry
Having several waypoints marked on your electronics can be a problem as your way points can many times pull you away from where the fish are!
2022 Sexual Assault Awareness Month
by Teresia Smith
This year marks the 21st Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
The Home As God Would Have It
by Terry Broome
There is a good deal of evidence that the family unit as we once knew it is breaking up, and many of us have had to redefine what we mean by the word “family.”
Bladed baits anyone?
by Mike Gerry
There is an in-between time when the water is too cold for fast moving baits and not warm enough to slow completely to the likes of soft plastics. That in-between time is ideal for bladed baits.