Keys to Skipping a Bait
As the summer progresses and the water continues to increase in temperature, we all find that the bass start to hunt the shade during the day.
Overcoming Bitterness
In every relationship, chances are you will face some sort of conflict. When it’s an unhealthy intimate partner relationship, conflict often becomes abusive and traumatic.
Respect for God’s holiness
A talk-show I heard about a number of years ago was dealing with the issue of school violence. This was after the string of high school shootings that terrified parents and teachers alike.
Spinner Bait and Fall Fishing
The fall is close, and we are approaching the fall fishing where we will make a drastic change in our presentation; we will move from slow moving baits to power fishing with speed and reaction!
Steps to Recovering from Toxic Relationships
Ending an abusive and toxic relationship takes a toll on a person emotionally, mentally and physically. Picking up the pieces of their life and trying to move forward can be a slow and painful process. Support from their family, friends and community makes it a lot easier.