Thoughts from The Bible

A Word About Mothers For Mothers’ Day
Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, “Men are what their mothers make them.” An old Spanish proverb says, “An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” This weekend, as we honor mothers, it’s good for us to think about how much they really do.

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Fishing tip of the week

It is Almost Summer
Summertime adds more complexity to the fishing as the heat and lack of rain changes it drastically.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Signs You Are Dealing with Narcissistic Abuse
You may have heard the word “narcissist” tossed around and used as a catch-all term to describe anyone who may have wronged us, however, a person with narcissistic personality disorder is quite different.

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Thoughts from The Bible

The Bible In A Word – Jesus
The Bible is a book of amazing harmony—a book with one central message or theme.

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Fishing tip of the week

Bluegill bed fishing is near
One of the most active times of the year for me bass fishing over the past 10 years is when the bluegill start their bedding process; and that, my friends, is near.

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