Because if you look around, life is really beautiful…
Did you know that we eat with our eyes? It’s true. I have started a new job where I am preparing lunch plates for some folks. Whether its soup or a meal, I take great pains to make the plate visually appealing. I fan the crackers out around the soup bowl, sit the cornbread at just the right angle on the plate. They laugh at me, y’all, but I don’t care.
Letting go of the person who controlled you
Abuse takes a hold on people not just physically but mentally. Victims of abuse say broken bones heal faster than the emotional scars that last a lifetime.
In search for the true church
There are many trademarks one can read about in the Bible that would help us to know whether or not we have found a church that is true to Jesus and His Word, and thus a “true church.”
Let nature lead you
Over my many years of guiding and fishing, I have learned many lessons. One that stands out and has been a key in wintertime fishing, has been that the natural elements can really tell the tale in the winter. This past week was a typical example as I noticed some gulls and loons diving over an area of about ten-feet of water.
New growth
A few weeks ago, we experienced some of the coldest temperatures in many, many years. During this cold spell, most plants outside withered away. Now that the coldest temperatures have passed, I have noticed some things sprouting from among the dead leaves of the plants.