Thoughts from The Bible

A Tale as Old as Time
by Cody Anderson Cornith Missionary Baptist Church

If you’ve been following along with the articles, you may have noticed that John has become very repetitive with the thought of loving one another. Last week’s article talked about there being two spiritual fathers and how their respective offspring are a reflection of their true spiritual father. Again, in these two simple verses, we will see what it means to love and how that relates to the Father.

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

Connection and Loneliness
by Teresia Smith

Recently someone who was going through a stressful time mentioned to me that they didn’t have anyone in which they truly could confide. I asked about the friends they socialize with and about the many social media contacts they have and they just shrugged and said no. There have been many people over the years who have expressed loneliness to me, even though they appear to be well connected online. Social media has made us feel linked with the world but in reality, those are not true relationships. Our world seems very connected, though in reality, more than ever before, we are further isolated. So, what exactly is loneliness and how did we get here?

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Fishing tip of the week

It’s Time for a Jig
by Mike Gerry

When the bass has transitioned from the spring bite to the summer bite, the bait I enjoy fishing is working a traditional jig. There are several reasons I like this presentation and none more important than the pure fact it catches big fish.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Whose Family Do You Belong To?
by Sarah Wootten“ Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother,” (1 John 3:10, ESV).

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

After Effects of Abuse
by Teresia Smith

We have all heard the old saying, “time heals all wounds”. Unfortunately, that is just not true for many survivors of domestic abuse. After experiencing abuse at the hands of a person who declared they loved you, moving on can be especially difficult. Fear and stress are natural after-effects of abuse, and the stress from abuse can increase your risk for health problems as much as 90 percent down the road.

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