Fishing tip of the week

Locations for pre-spawn bass
The best of the year is near, and locating pre-spawn bass quickly will be the key to having successful days on the water.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Fan your spark
I read this quote recently: “You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you” Alexander Den Heijer.
Let’s face it. Life, even on a good day, can be challenging.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Kingdom living (Part Two)
Entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven was preached and greatly desired in the days of John the Baptist and Jesus. When John preached, people definitely desired information concerning the kingdom and how to enter it.

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Fishing tip of the week

The “why” of bass location
Over my many years of fishing, there are many thing I have learned to help locate fish and develop a pattern. In full disclosure, it’s not a perfect science, but it’s a way to develop a pattern. The important part of this article is to emphasize how important it is to understand what and why are bass located in one location but not in another; it is very true that 80% of the fish are located in 20% of the lake.

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Simply Yaya

The excuse bench…
You know when you have those moments in your life that just speak to you and stick with you? And you’re like, “Well, I will be, how true is that?” The excuse bench story is one of my big ones. I mean BIG.

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