The Need to Learn
by Mike Gerry
As you move toward the New Year, if you have not come up with a New Year’s Resolution, I have one for you. As a bass fisherman the chances that you can present and be confident with every lure and presentation on the market is slim.
Silent Support
by Teresia Smith
Imagine a friend has just confided a serious revelation. They disclose to you that they are being abused by their partner. They tell you they just didn’t know who to talk to but trusted you. This can be a critical time and you want to support them in a way that will be helpful. Inside you are screaming “Why don’t you leave,” but your response at this time needs to be one of support.
A Promise Kept
by Cody Anderson Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Christmas is most often seen as a time of joy and family gatherings. For Christians however, it represents something much deeper. It is a celebration of a promise kept. Long before the advent of the Messiah, prophets spoke of a coming Savior.
A Few Habits of Big Bass
by Mike Gerry
As we approach winter and the spring the bigger fish will focus on certain habits that will repeat themselves from their many years of surviving the fishing pressure that today’s lakes receive all over the country.
Band-aids Aren’t Enough
by Teresia Smith
Often the advice given by well-meaning friends to someone leaving an abusive relationship is things such as “just move on”, or “find someone new and you’ll forget them”. There is no mention of the importance of dealing with the pain and hurt before jumping into a new relationship. I recently heard a podcast about the importance of healing from an abusive relationship and unpacking the baggage before you can be successful in a new relationship. I have paraphrased what they said below: