Thoughts from The Bible

The Man Confused by Deeds
by Audrey Christensen Corinth Missionary Church

Since the fall of man, every person fits into one of two categories. The first category is for those who are dead in their sin. Everyone is born into this condition and can be described as a child of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3). He is not a Christian. The second category is for those who have been born again. It’s people who God has graciously saved. The penalty for their sins has been paid by Jesus, and they trust in God for salvation. He is a Christian.

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Fishing tip of the week

Advantage of Gold Blades

by Mike Gerry

As time has moved on over my many years of fishing and guiding, one thing that I have always believed in, when fishing in Guntersville with a spinner bait, is having at least one gold blade but preferable two on your blade.

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Love shouldn’t hurt -ever


By Teresia Smith

Elbert Hubbard says, “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

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Thoughts from The Bible

The New Man

by Cody Anderson Corinth Missionary Church

Last week, we talked about the born-again man. This week, I will try to describe how being born again affects the new man. 1 Peter 1:3 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” (NASB, emphasis added). Again, new birth is the work of God, but it doesn’t stop there. God caused a new birth in order for us to have a living hope. What does that living hope look like in the new man?

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Fishing tip of the week

Summer to fall

by Mike Gerry

As we have seen the water temps drop and move into the transition time summer fishing is now turning to fall fishing forcing you to make changes in your techniques. The problem is
what do you do, especially when the fish are constantly on the move making it difficult to
count on a pattern from one day to the next? What they seem to react to seems to also change on a daily basis.

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