Fishing tip of the week

Cover, structure and depth
by Mike Gerry

There are three keys that stand out in order to establish a pattern, cover structure and depth; when you zone in on these keys, you can put together a pattern. Sounds simple, but it isn’t, as making sense of the keys is different than talking about them. Fighting your instincts to do something different outside of what the keys are telling you is not easy, so you must find a way to balance the old patterns that talk to you versus the keys that give you reality.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
by Teresia Smith

February is thought of as the month of love. Midway through the month, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. The holiday of hearts, flowers, candy, and special dates with your significant other where you display your love for the world to see.

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Thoughts from The Bible

We need an anchor
by Terry Broome

In times of great difficulty, we become more focused on things that are dependable; things we can be certain of. Certainly, such is the case in our present distress as a nation. I hope that someone in leadership can unravel all the mess that has been made. Each political party and each candidate in past and recent elections claimed that they will make things better; and they assure is it will be done as they claim.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Are you settling?
by Teresia Smith

Mandy Hale once said, “Sometimes it takes a little pain and heartbreak to shake you awake, help you let go, and show you that you are worth so much more than you were settling for.” When I read that quote, I thought of so many people who stay in unhealthy relationships even though they know it’s not a good situation. What does it mean to “settle”?

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Fishing tip of the week

Cold fronts in the winter
by Mike Gerry

It’s always a struggle when a cold front hits your lake in the middle of winter. Suddenly, your lake surface temperature drops a bunch, it’s uncomfortable, and your mind plays games with you during this cold time.

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