Summer Choices
by Teresia Smith
Many parents are struggling to find the right childcare situation as summer vacation from school is upon us.
The Danger of Drifting
by Terry Broome
The story is told of a man standing on the bank of the Niagara River who saw a dead sheep being swept down by the current.
Boat houses and summer
by Mike Gerry
As it is every year, summer is full of sunny days with lots of heat and the bass need a place to hide. One place the bass move to hide from the sun is under boat houses!
The Need For A Measuring Stick
by Terry Broome
According to the Milwaukee Journal, December 5, 1969, p. 12, “Here’s Where Uncle Sam Measures Up,” early in the history of our great nation, President John Quincy Adams called both Houses of Congress together for a special meeting. He brought with him two “bushel” baskets, one from South Carolina, the other from New York. In comparing the measures, one bushel had 68 cubic inches more than the other one.
Rod tip can be crucial
by Mike Gerry
There is probably no time of the year where the worm fishing is better than from June through mid-August.