Fishing tip of the week

Jerk Bait Keys
by Mike Gerry

When I think about winter, I start to remember the success I have had fishing jerk baits. I can easily state that jerk baits have been a consistent performer of my fishing, especially in the cold water conditions.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
by Teresia Smith

Most of us agree that sexual abuse of a child is horrible and should not happen. Unfortunately, it does happen way too often. Child sexual abuse occurs when a child is used for the sexual gratification of an older adolescent or adult. It also involves the abuse of power that an adult has over a child. Sexual abuse can strike regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, cultural heritage, social or economic status. What should we know about these child victims as they grow to adulthood?
An adult survivor of child sexual abuse suffers long term effects throughout their life. In the majority of instances, as a child they never told anyone of the abuse while it was happening. Now, as an adult, they are left to deal with the effects.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Spiritual Matters
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Church

We are physical beings. That is certainly an obvious statement, but ponder it with me for a moment. Our five senses help us comprehend the world around us. We observe the difference between sandpaper and silk by touching it. We see with our eyes all the beauty and variety in the flowers and trees around us. We understand the difference between the sound of a train and the song of a bird by hearing. And everyday as my wife makes her way to the kitchen, our home fills with the most wonderful of smells, which is soon followed by a smile spreading across my face as I taste her wonderful culinary creations. I am so thankful my wife’s favorite pastime is cooking!

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Fishing tip of the week

Creative Cranking in the Winter
by Mike Gerry

Winter and cold water is an ideal time to become creative with crank bait. Using your imagination and being willing to try something different can be the key to catching deep fish in the winter!
When you’re running crank baits 20 ft. down, you can make magic happen you just have to be creative. Creative crank baiting is just easy to do; you just have to imagine what that bait is doing and make it do different things, present different looks and be a little different.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Abusive Dating Relationships
by Teresia Smith

Dating violence is more common than you may think, especially among teens and young adults. reports 1 in 3 U.S. teens will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before becoming adults. February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). This is an issue that impacts everyone – not just teens – but their parents, teachers, friends and communities as well.

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