Fishing tip of the week

The Intrigue of Bass Fishing
by Mike Gerry

Over my many years of bass fishing the one thing that keeps putting me back on the water is the pure fact that it is not easy. Bass fishing requires skill, knowledge, and technique that rewards you when you accomplish a catch, especially the bigger ones.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

Constantly Connected? Smart and Safe Media Use
by Teresia Smith

Today our world is totally immersed in digital media. Everything from TV and videos to social media and video games. And it all can be obtained on multiple devices such as computers, gaming consoles, smart phones and other screens. All of this media can influence how our kids feel, learn, think about life and affect their behaviors. This makes it even more important to understand the risks involved and how we can keep a healthy balance for our family.

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Thoughts from The Bible

As He Is, So Also Are We In This World
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

As we near the end of 1 John with only one chapter left to go, we come across one of my favorite statements in this letter, “as He is, so also are we in this world,” (1 John 4:17, NASB). There are several issues in this letter that John repeats often in typical John fashion, such as the subject of putting away sin and walking in His righteousness. He also discusses the subject of walking in His love, as well as confessing His Son. All of these are descriptive of the character of the God who created us and sent His Son in love to redeem us. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are born again and begin to grow in the nature and character of God as we show forth that godly character to a lost and sinful world.

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Fishing tip of the week

Big Bass Habits
by Mike Gerry

There are a lot of similarities between the human aging process and big bass habits.

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Love shouldn’t hurt

The Importance of a Support System
by Teresia Smith

The power of the human spirit after experiencing adversity is amazing. Many people experience some type of trauma during their life. How do people deal with these difficult events that change their lives? Do they live the rest of their life as a victim or can they rebuild and overcome and be a resilient survivor?

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