December Fishing on Guntersville
If you look at what to expect on Guntersville in December history says there will be more change and transition than any other time of year.
Do you often hide parts of yourself from others in order to fit in? Do you second guess yourself or discount your feelings because you think they don’t matter?
Time in a bottle
One cannot know what a day will bring forth, and it’s futile to try predicting what an entire year will produce. Some people might make close guesses on New Year’s Day that slightly resemble these headlines written at the end of that year; however, by and large, each year brings with it uncertainties and the unexpected.
Late Fall Challenges
The fall fishing season can make for many different challenges in pattern as the run from early fall to late fall can be completely different.
When Life Turns to Despair
There will be times when it seems our world is being turned upside down. In these times it would be so easy to go beyond mere unease or nervousness into a state of despair. In fact, you may currently find yourself feeling somewhat like the Psalmist felt in the face of all the events of these present times.