Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Ever heard the old adage “out of sight, out of mind”? Sadly, the sentiment is true.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Renewing my passion for God
“As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?” (Ps. 42:1-2, NKJV).

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Fishing tip of the week

Deep Fishing
As we approach the heat and dry weather of the summer, we move into a deep bite phase of bass fishing.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Conflict Resolution
It is a given in any relationship that there will be conflict. No relationship can be argument-free forever.

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Thoughts from The Bible

Victorious Christian Living
Preparation for heaven is merely begun, not completed with baptism.

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