Thoughts from The Bible

Do Little Things Really Matter?

About 536 years before Christ was born, Judah was nearing the end of a 70-year period of exile as punishment for repeatedly turning away from God.

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Fishing tip of the week

It’s Time for a Popping Lure
As we turn more toward the top water bite that happens every summer and fall no presentation goes further back in history than the infamous popping lure like the Pop-r.

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

Reactive Abuse
What is reactive abuse? According to Dana Morningstar of, reactive abuse occurs, “when a target reacts abusively towards an abusive person.”

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Thoughts from The Bible

Having a passion for lost souls
I remember reading many years ago in a Muskogee, Oklahoma newspaper an advertisement something like this: “If you’re interested in knowing more about atheism….” and gave an address or phone number to call for material.

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Fishing tip of the week

Fall Movement is Upon Us
by Mike Gerry

As we move further into the fall and early winter bite movement of the bass become more predictable than ever. Bass become predictable and are very much creatures of habit and understanding their patterns and locations carry over from one year to the next. Location becomes key and fishing where the fish are, is much easier than not. Location and patterns from past years are now replicated!

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