Thoughts from The Bible

Because we were baptized
The Scriptures plainly teach that in baptism the penitent believer receives remission of sins (Acts 2:38-47).

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Fishing tip of the week

Fall Spinner Bait Time
As we move further into fall fishing, we will make a drastic change in presentation; we will move from slow moving baits to power fishing with speed and reaction!

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Love shouldn’t hurt – ever

What is crisis intervention?
As we promote our services, one thing we tell people we offer is crisis intervention. Someone may ask, what is crisis intervention?

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Thoughts from The Bible

Staying Clean In A Filthy World
Have you ever gotten all cleaned and dressed up and then found it hard to stay that way? I must be one of the worst at getting spaghetti sauce on my white shirt or tie.

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Fishing tip of the week

Floating Grass Issue
Since the onset of the eel grass several years ago the fall can be a tough time of year to work a lure because of the amount of floating grass around the lake.

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