Thoughts from The Bible

A Particular Love That Encourages the Soul
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Last week we considered the difference between man’s love and God’s love. Man’s love is almost always a “because of” love, and God’s love is always an “in spite of” love. God’s love is selfless and serving that genuinely seeks the good of the one loved.

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Fishing tip of the week

Late Winter/Early Spring on Guntersville
by Mike Gerry

Guntersville can be completely different from the north end to the south in late winter.
When I hit the water in early spring, I generally start the day out cutting the lake up into different

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

Building Positive
by Teresia Smith

Many people, especially teens, live their whole life fearful of others’ view of them. Will they like you? Will they laugh at you? Will they make fun of you? Will you fit in? Will their opinion of you change depending on what they know about you?

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Thoughts from The Bible

How Do You Define Love?
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

Before continuing, let me invite you to read 1 John 2:7-11. It teaches how saving faith and genuine love are inseparable. 
For the Christian, love is the defining characteristic that distinguishes them as followers of the Lord Jesus. We are saved by His love, and we are called to love with that same kind of love. But what kind of love is that?

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Fishing tip of the week

Rattle Bait
by Mike Gerry

Many fishermen refer to a rattle bait as an idiot bait, meaning all that is needed is to cast and reel and you will catch fish. If all you are doing is casting and reeling, you’re not fishing.
Sure, when conditions are right for this rattle bait, and most baits will catch fish without any thought into what you are doing. But, if you want the bait to be consistent it is much more than throw and reel. You may hear people say it’s easy bait to fish, and anyone can catch fish with it. Well, I beg to differ, it’s better said as an easy bait to cast but if your fishing, thought and technique must be applied as it should to any bait.

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