Fishing tip of the week

The Fun of Guiding

by Mike Gerry

As time moves on your life flashes in front of you just about every day, often during quiet times, you think back about your life and forward as to what is next.

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

by Christina Hays

Every February recognizes Teen Dating Violence Awareness! 1 in 3 teens report abuse in dating relationships. This just represents those who are willing and able to report. Most teens choose to tell a friend instead of a parent, teacher, or counselor. This is why we stress the importance of bystander intervention. If you see or hear something potentially dangerous, please report it to a trusted adult.

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Thoughts from The Bible

A Work In Progress By
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church

The Christian life is a remarkable journey. A journey that begins with birth, new birth in fact. He who was born is born again. His physical or first birth made him a part of humanity as a whole as he shared in that common ancestry from Adam. But once he is spiritually born or born again, he shares in a spiritual ancestry and lineage that began with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Once the new birth takes place, then a process of growth begins to take place that continually transforms that person’s character into the very character of the Son of God. It certainly does not take place overnight but take place it most certainly does.

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Fishing tip of the week

Worm Fishing in the Winter
By Mike Gerry

Worm fishing in cold water is not always my go to bait, but there are some ideas I have to make it more productive. I really believe winter fishing comes down to a few key productive presentations. As always wintertime can be frustrating, so patience is important no matter what bait your fishing.

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Love shouldn’t hurt-ever

Season of Love
by Teresia Smith

It’s the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day and it can be a painful and uncomfortable time for many. Women especially feel a lot of pressure to be in a relationship during this season. Much of that comes from believing that they are not socially acceptable if they are not in a romantic relationship.

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