A Fixed Hope
by Joey Carroll Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Even though we live in a time of tremendous stress and upheaval in the world, we must remember that we live in the greatest time, so far, in the history of humanity. How could that be, you say? Simply because we live in the period of time between the first and second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And so we live in the time of God’s amazing grace – the time in which whosever will come, may come.
Best Post Spawn Baits
by Mike Gerry
The Role of Consent
By: Teresia Smith
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Crisis Services of North Alabama
Behold What Great Love, Part 2
by Joey Carroll, Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
Finding Bedding Areas
by Mike Gerry
As the bass progress to the spawning grounds, it becomes important to understand the movement and the type of areas they spawn in.