by Mike Gerry
Fishing’s visual line
Fishing’sWintertime, on many lakes, can take many different forms in respect to water clarity.
by Teresia Smith
Finding Joy Again
For people that have suffered trauma, the brain sometimes goes into a type of survival mode, to protect oneself to feel safe.
by Terry Broome
Exhibiting Faith in Faithless Times – Part Two
In the book of First Kings we are introduced to a man who was willing to stand up against virtually all the religious leaders of his time, as well as against one of the most wicked of the kings and queens of ancient Israel’s history.
by Mike Gerry
Winter random searching
In the wintertime it is imperative that you become an avid user of your electronics.
by Teresia Smith
You Are Not Alone
Child sexual abuse is horrifyingly common and immensely damaging. If you are an adult who was abused as a child, we want you to know you are not alone.