Faithfully teach the Word of God
In the New Testament we learn that it’s God’s Will that His Word be proclaimed by faithful teachers. Christianity is a taught religion:
Virus effects on the fishing industry
by Mike Gerry
With all the problems we are going through with the Covid virus I thought I would give my readers an update of the fishing industry as it has affected what I consider the relative parts to the fishing industry.
Importance of Advocacy
by Teresia Smith
Imagine that a victim of domestic violence, living in fear of a batterer, finally finds the courage to seek help.
America, God shed His grace on thee
by Terry Broome
In 1991, Carla Rohlfing wrote an article for Family Circle magazine (4/23/91, p. 24) in which she affirmed that “The newest ‘virus’ to sweep the nation has nothing to do with getting sick in the traditional sense.
Ignite the summer bite
by Mike Gerry
The heat of the summer can be discouraging and tough on most of today’s fishermen;