by Terry Broome
It’s a simple word but a very encompassing thought arrives from it. “Hope.” Years ago, I learned that a big difference exists between “just wishing” and “real hope.” As a child I used to wish I would get all sorts of expensive things for Christmas, but I knew there wasn’t much reason to hope for those things as they were out of my family’s financial reach. Kids still do that, don’t they? In spite of our spending more on Christmas than we ever imagined we would, we still can’t produce everything on their “wish list.” Hope gets us down to reality – to where we have some strong and reasonable expectation of receiving a thing. Where there is reasonable expectation, we can hope for these things.
Adjustment for fall fishing
by Mike Gerry
As we transition into the fall of the year, what has been a hot summer and consistent pattern will more than likely change; the nights will cool, the bass will move, and your bait selection could change drastically. All this will require you to adjust, and your understanding of the changes and the patterns of what the bass are supposed to do will be front and center. If you don’t understand the changes coming, you will struggle getting bites. Putting in the time now to understand the changes ahead will make it easier because the key is in the detail.
Make a Wave
by Teresia Smith
Have you ever had the chance to toss a pebble into a lake? As a child, it was fun to watch the ripples from that pebble toss. What if multiple people threw pebbles at the same time? Those ripples may combine and become bigger. Then the bigger ripples may join others and become a wave. “Everything we do, even the slightest thing we do, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.” Victor Webster.
What A Fellowship. . .
by Terrt Broome
These are the first words of an old hymn that we don’t sing so much anymore, but one which portrays the great joy a Christian can have when in a rightful relationship with the Lord. I remember them well from when I was a child singing to the top of my lungs:“What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms;
Crank bait season is near
Mike Gerry
As we progress into fall and the summer starts to cool you will find the bass more active, more willing to chase, and working a crank bait around the edges of the channel, creek beds, and thin grass will have the potential of loading the boat. I know, for many, this can be frustrating as you seem to hang up a lot in the grass, but nothing will put more fish in your boat, in the fall, than a crank bait.