Fishing tip of the week

Always get better
by Mike Gerry

As a bass fisherman the chances that you can use and be confident with every lure and presentation on the market is slim.

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Fishing tip of the week

Bedding fish facts
by Mike Gerry

Over the many years of my fishing bass that are bedding, there are many beliefs that just do not hold water, no pun intended!

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Fishing tip of the week

It’s time
by Mike Gerry

Yes, the timing might be different every year. It could occur in middle to late March or on into April, but every year we get to a point where the soft plastic bite turns on and folks, we have reached that critical time here in April!

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Fishing tip of the week

Getting the big bite
by Mike Gerry

A fisherman’s dream is to hang a monster bass. But, doing that is not an easy task and being committed to it is even more difficult.

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Fishing tip of the week

Where to fish next
by Terry Broome

Location, location, location, just like anything else, where you fish has much to do about catching fish as it is a proven fact that 80% of the fish live in 10% of the lake. When you are fishing a big lake, where you go next is your most important decision each day.

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